At EML, our national workforce supports businesses across every state and territory in Australia. In NSW we have been icare’s trusted partner for delivering workers’ compensation claims management services under their new service model that commenced in 2018. 

Our role is to efficiently manage claims to help your workers get back to work as soon as possible. We are here to ensure that your employees receive the support and services they need to recover from injury or illness and get their lives back. 

Working with icare, we have a shared focus and responsibility for delivering customer-centric services and support including:

  • Information you can rely on based on our real-time, sophisticated reporting and data analytics
  • Industry knowledge and expertise only available from Australia's largest and oldest workers compensation insurance providers and a consistent industry leader
  • A dedicated claims team who prioritise getting to know you and your business needs
  • Low caseloads that allows us be available when you need us
  • Tailored services for your business including:
    • Training and education support for small and medium sized employers, to help guide you through the workers’ compensation process
    • Support for large employers through our team of Key Account Managers, tailored annual service plans, and regular claims reviews
  • Opportunity to review your claims performance with the claims team
  • Practical information and resources to guide you through the process

Incident reporting

Where to report an injury or make a claim

There are four options:

  1. Notify of an injury at Preliminary information | icare (
  2. Access the portal at Login | icare (
  3. Download the Employer / Third Party Representative Lodgement form (PDF) and email to
  4. Phone 133 365 (Monday to Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm, closed public holidays).

What to do immediately after a workplace injury occurs?

  1. Administer first aid and make sure the injured person gets the right care
  2. Notify us of any injury or illness within 48 hours (via above contact points)
  3. You must record the injury in your register of injuries
  4. Provide appropriate support to the injured person to ensure recovery
  5. If it is a significant incident (Notifiable Incident) you may also need to notify SafeWork NSW.

What to do when notifying us of a claim

A worker should notify you as soon as possible after an injury.

After that, the following should occur:

  1. A description of the injury should be entered in your register of injuries.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not report the injury within five calendar days of becoming aware of the injury, you may pay a ‘claims excess payment’ which is equivalent to one week of the worker’s weekly payments.
  2. Once reported, we will provide you with a claim number (sometimes referred to as a reference number) which you should write down as you may need to track the notification in the future.

When reporting an injury you will be asked to provide the following information:

  • the worker’s name, address, contact telephone number and date of birth
  • name and address of your company
  • name of the treating doctor and contact telephone number or name of the hospital
  • date and time of the injury and description of the injury and details of how it happened
  • name and contact details of the person making the notification and their relationship to the worker or employer

The following information, if available, should also be provided at the time of notification:

  • details of any time off work
  • date of the consultation with the doctor and a diagnosis
  • a copy of the NSW workers compensation certificate of capacity
  • your worker’s capacity to recover at work and expected return to work date
  • your ability to support your worker to recover at work in suitable employment
  • your worker’s pre-injury average weekly earnings (PIAWE)


Policy and Certificate of Currency Information

All workers insurance policy and billing services are managed by icare. For further information regarding a new or existing policy or to request a Certificate of Currency:

W: icare

T:  133 365

Premium Information

All premiums are calculated by taking your industry classification rate and multiplying it by how much your business pays in wages. This is called average performance premium.

If that number is $30,000 or less, you’re considered a small employer and your premium remains unaffected by claims costs if a worker is injured.

If your average performance premium is over $30,000, you’re considered a medium to large employer and your premiums are experience-rated. This means your premium will be impacted by your claims performance.

To find out more on how premiums are calculated visit icare.

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