Collaborative Partnership to improve work participation

The Collaborative Partnership is a national effort by public, private and not-for-profit organisations to improve work participation for people with temporary or permanent physical or mental health conditions which may impact their ability to work.

The Collaborative Partnership is focused on aligning systems and services in workers compensation, life insurance, superannuation, disability support and employment services.

Together with Foundation Partner – Comcare and other participating Major Partners from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors will be working to deliver innovative solutions to improve work participation.

The Collaborative Partnership will deliver work across five priority areas:

  1. Cross-sector system—working across sectors to align services to support people with a temporary or permanent physical or mental health condition that impacts their ability to work, to participate in work.
  2. Employer mobilisation—mobilising employers to improve their capacity to provide employment opportunities for people with a temporary or permanent physical or mental health condition that impacts their ability to work.
  3. Employee awareness—improving employee understanding of the health benefits of good work and promoting their role in using work as part of their recovery.
  4. GP support—providing support to general practitioners through nationally consistent approaches for quality service.
  5. Rehabilitation services—improving the quality and consistency of rehabilitation service provision, in particular for psychological injury.

The work of The Collaborative Partnership aims to:

  • improve work participation
  • reduce costs of claims, premiums and disability support
  • improve employee health and wellbeing
  • reduce workplace absenteeism
  • improve work productivity


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